83: The Evolving Olympic Runner, Vicki Huber Rudawsky, Part 1

Vicki Huber Rudawsky, a 2 Time track Olympian shares with us how she used visualization skills, cleaning up her diet, sleeping more, listening to her body and two run in the 88 and 96 Olympics.  What’s especially inspiring about Vicki’s story is she had a young child at home when she qualified for the 96 Olympics.  We specifically discuss:

  • Transitioning from a high school athlete to a collegiate athlete

  • What she did after her freshman year in college to be the best she could be

  • How changing her mindset was “huge”

  • Why it’s quality and not quantity

  • How we evolve as runners

  • Why keeping a running log is really important

  • Look for reasons, not excuses

  • What plays in to reaching your goals sometimes

  • How she overcame the fear of running in her first Olympics

Next week, during part 2 of 2 of Vicki’s interview, we get more in depth with how she overcame injuries, the very challenging road she had from raising a child on her own to qualifying for the 96 Olympics, the amazing running community that treated her like family, how she has evolved as a runner through the years, the huge impact her husband has had on her running career, cross training, and what she recommends for any runner.

All kids in the US don’t have access to safe playgrounds and fitness programs and Serena Marie, RD and I are trying to make a difference by raising money for Action for Healthy Kids when we run the Chicago and NYC Marathons.  Like the show, want to help kids? Please run over to [https://donate.actionforhealthykids.org/events/kari-serena-run-new-york-city-chicago/e46192] and please donate. Every dollar counts!  Twenty Five dollars provides a school breakfast for a kid for an entire month and fifty dollars provides a fitness program.

Our Runner of the Week this week is Sarah Andrus, who is also a running friend of mine.  Sarah shares how and why she became a runner “later in life” (at age 48), the races she has run, why she runs, and how she keeps motivated to keep on running.

Serena Marie, RD, talks glycemic index and why she doesn’t think it’s a great tool to use when evaluating what foods to eat. You need to look at all of the nutrients of a food item in addition to food combining.  Serena also discusses when to eat high sugar foods and what foods are good to eat when trying to go to sleep.

Serena and I talk about how are training is coming along (let’s just say it’s been HOT on the east coast and our times have slowed down but have also give us confidence for the fall Chicago and also NYC marathons) and the progress we are making when it comes to raising money for Action for Healthy Kids.  Everyone who donates during the month of July will be put in a raffle to win a 30 minute “hang out” session with Kari Gormley and Serena Marie, RD.  Also, the person who donates the most amount of money will be a runner of the week in August.

Serena Marie RD and me (Kari Gormley) were asked to try SportSuds laundry detergent. My friends Becky Kotsifsas and Sarah Andrus wanted to get on the fun and try the detergent too as it states it takes the stink out of athletic clothes among other things. The four of us get on a four way call and all come to the conclusion that we were shocked how well it worked, not to mention being so impressed that it doesn’t use harmful chemicals such as phylates, parabens, and bleach.


Vicki Huber Rudawsky:
Facebook: /vicki.rudawsky

Sarah Andrus:
Facebook /sarah.baker.andrus
Twitter: @sarahba
Website: AvarahConsulting.com

Serena Marie, RD:
Website: www.SerenaMarieRD.com
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Becky Kotsifas:

Twitter: @BeckyKotsifas


This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to www.karigormley.com/disclaimer.


84: The Evolving Olympic Runner, Vicki Huber Rudawsky, Part 2


82: How to Cross-Train on Vacation