43: NYC Marathon Race Recaps

Today, we discuss all things New York City Marathon from five of our friends here at the Running Lifestyle Show.  Some of the highlights include:

  • What to do if you’re running a marathon and breastfeeding, with LeeAnn Faust

  • Sarah Boschung’s number one tip to prevent extra stress before running a race

  • Erin Mahr’s unique way of staying warm

  • Stephen Brown’s tip of how to eat before a marathon

  • Dean Karnazes’ secret of what he did when he bonked around mile 20

We take many twists and turns, learning which mile markers were the favorites of the runners, how they handled the wind, which spots on the course made them want to freeze and just soak up the marathon, and how NYC compared to other marathons they had run.

Products discussed:

Roll Recovery 



This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to www.karigormley.com/disclaimer.


44: NYC Marathon Recap from the Spectators' Point of View


42: Vinnie Tortorich