272: How to Stop the Disease of Busyness

Jaime Weisberg, also known as JJ, is a “human potentialist” who uses science, heart and passion to help others be their best. She’s on a mission to help others slow down and do things that bring them more happiness, joy and contentment all while being a mom, wife, family member and friend to many.

You’ll leave this conversation feeling as though you can make tiny tweaks to what you’re doing to achieve big changes in your life.

Side note: I lovingly call JJ my “Adult Best Friend.” (I have a childhood best friend and JJ is my adult best friend!)

During our wide-ranging conversation, we discussed:

What the disease of busyness is and how it’s played a role in her life

  • How JJ managed to work full-time with business trips, two kids and a husband and still run the 2016 NYC Marathon

  • Her motivation for running the NYC Marathon and what made it especially impactful

  • How she’s using the science of positive psychology to help everyone from Girl Scouts to sales reps to university administrators

  • Two major bad habits she stopped that helped her become a marathoner

  • The behavior changes she’s been able to make after getting a really nasty bout of the flu over the holiday season

  • Why she is a proponent of “uni-tasking”

  • How she’s applying her theme to the year

  • JJ’s coaching/advice on my 2020 Ta Da List — it reminds me of past guest Charlie Gilkey’s saying “It’s hard to read the label when you’re in the jar.”

Links Discussed

I Run For Program

Team Fox

Head Northbound Website




Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley—I’d love to hear from you!


Jaime “JJ” Weisberg

Website: http://www.HeadNorthbound.com

Facebook: /headnorthbound

Instagram: @head_northbound

LinkedIn: in/jaimeweisberg

Kari Gormley:
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley


273: What an Osteopath Wants You to Know About Injuries, Screen Time & Movement


271: Priming Your Day to Lead an Epic Life