239: Setting Goals That Make Sense for YOU
Serena Marie, RD, joins me for a full episode to reflect on this year’s goals and how to set boundaries so that you can accomplish what you want to do during the holidays and in 2019. You’ll hear how we set goals and about the importance of really understanding how you align with others.
We discuss the following:
Why the word busy is a four-letter word in my (Kari’s) book
How to say no based on your tendency
Why to focus on setting your goals based on how you’ll feel
How to use your values to determine what you do
How to use this year’s positives and negatives to determine what you’ll do and not do in 2019
How to apply those positive and negative experiences with whom you decide to spend your time
Who we think some inspiring professionals are
Please tweet what your biggest takeaways were to us at @KariGormley and @SerenaMarieRD!
Links Discussed
The Four Tendencies Quiz by Gretchen Rubin
Danielle LaPorte
Tim Ferriss
Tal Ben-Shahar
John Ratey, MD
Register for Serena’s Master Class
Serena Marie, RD:
Website: www.SerenaMarieRD.com
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD
Kari Gormley:
Facebook: The Running Lifestyle Show
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley
This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to www.karigormley.com/disclaimer.